You are currently viewing Here are the top 15 quotes in the field of marketing, spoken by some of the most renowned marketing experts in general and digital marketing in particular:
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Here are the top 15 quotes in the field of marketing, spoken by some of the most renowned marketing experts in general and digital marketing in particular:

Philip Kotler, American Professor of International Marketing:
1.”You can learn marketing in a day, but it takes a lifetime to master it.”

Dave Naylor, Founder of a leading digital marketing agency in Britain:
2.”Google loves famous brands. Make yourself one.”

Bill Bernbach, Creative Director at DDB Agency:
3.”Advertising doesn’t create a product advantage, it can only convey it.”

Dale Carnegie, American writer:
4.”Let the other person feel that the idea is theirs.”

Rosser Reeves, Pioneer of television advertising:
5.”You must make the product interesting, not just make the ad different.”

Malcolm Forbes, American businessman and Forbes magazine owner:
6.”Learning never exhausts the mind.”

George Soros, American businessman and investor:
7.”Markets are constantly in a state of uncertainty and flux, and money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected.”

Nick Besbeas, Vice President of Marketing at LinkedIn:
8.”In today’s marketing world, it’s crucial to be present, relevant, and add value.”

Mike Volpe, CEO of a leading marketing agency:
9.”Don’t be afraid of thinking creatively and experimenting with your marketing activities.”

Tom Fishburne, Founder of a content marketing agency:
10.”The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.”

Joe Chernov, Vice President of Marketing for a global agency:
11.”Good marketing makes the company look smart, while great marketing makes the customer feel smart.”

Tim Williams, Author and presenter of top marketing conferences:
12.”The goal of marketing is to make customers know, like, and trust you.”

Jonathan Lister, Sales Director at LinkedIn:
13.”Speak to your customers in their language and talk about the things close to their hearts.”

Leo Burnett, American advertising executive:
14.”Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.”

Brian Tracy, Canadian motivational speaker and author:
15.”Treat objections you receive as requests for further information.”

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