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The Most Important Creative Ideas for Shopping Companies:

“Storytelling Marketing”

Storytelling marketing is considered one of the greatest and most powerful forms of content marketing that you can rely on to make consumers connect with the things you sell and want to buy them. There are many experiments that have proven the significant impact of storytelling marketing on increasing sales rates, so it has become necessary for marketers to always look for stories about products and services.

Statistics indicate that 92% of users prefer brands to make their ads resemble a story. However, it’s not easy, as reports suggest that customers only spend an average of 37 seconds on each article. Your content must have a strong story to capture the attention of customers.

What is storytelling marketing?

Storytelling marketing, also known as “Narrative Storytelling,” can be considered one of the marketing forms that aim to present the idea of the marketing campaign in the form of a story. This style helps the human brain better absorb information.
It is also used to influence customer decisions by stimulating certain brain areas and focusing on emotion to facilitate the choice of a particular product when viewed.

Storytelling helps enhance the power of content, especially visual content. It increases the likelihood of customers being attached to it and watching it more than once without getting bored, which has a significant impact on the relationship between customers and your brand.

Why use storytelling marketing?

Show Your Brand in the Best Light:

Storytelling marketing offers many advantages and positive effects on increasing your customers’ awareness of your brand. It helps provide a good background about your business project and its purpose to influence customer decisions when choosing between competitors. Many major companies rely on this style to build a strong relationship with customers and present everything related to the company in the form of a story that affects customers and remains in their minds.

Build a Stronger Relationship with Customers:

When your advertising campaign based on storytelling marketing succeeds and has an impact on the psychology of customers, it creates a strong relationship between the customer and your brand. This makes your brand an attractive choice when customers see how others benefit from it, connecting them sincerely with long-term loyalty relationships with your brand.

If we look at giant companies, we will see that all of them have deep stories behind their establishment, identity, and logo, not just behind their products or services. These stories are often associated with the founding stories, helping to build a deeper sense of the purpose behind the brand.

More Persuasive in Marketing:

Storytelling marketing is one of the most persuasive marketing methods in general, as many statistics have proven. When you tell a story, parts of the brain light up, which means that when you provide a strong story about a specific product, you are providing a convincing reason for consumers to buy from you.

Give the Product Higher Value:

A good story can turn something valueless into something very important. This principle can explain a lot about the benefit that a good story can provide to increase your sales rate.

How can you benefit from storytelling marketing?

1.Identify the Audience You Want to Target
2.Write a Story Relevant to What You Sell
3.Rely on Emotion
4.Rely on Measurement to Develop Your Style