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What are the factors affecting customer loyalty?

It’s not just about the quality of the product. There are four other factors that influence customer loyalty and trust, as mentioned by Access, and they can control it regardless of the product quality.

The most important of these factors are:


It’s essential to know exactly what the customer’s expectations are since they govern their opinion, judgment, and decision to continue with you or not.

Customer expectations arise from the marketing you provide and what you say about yourself in your competitive campaigns.

For example, if you offer a specific service and market it as solving a particular problem for the customer, as soon as the customer hears about you, they will begin to create expectations for your service. If they don’t receive it upon purchase, they will become frustrated. If you want to gain customer loyalty, you must exceed their expectations.

2-Quality of Service Delivery:

This doesn’t only apply to the product or service itself, but the most significant factor influencing loyalty is how that service is delivered; we’re talking about “employees.” Even if the product is excellent, poor customer service undoubtedly jeopardizes this loyalty more than any other factor. Therefore, employees are your first path to gaining customer loyalty, especially customer service employees. So, pay attention when choosing your employees and try to select someone with the skills.


Regardless of how great your product or service is, customers won’t remember you unless you’re present in front of them all the time. This happens through successful presence on social media and websites. This is to establish a continuous relationship between you and the customer so that they see you all the time as if you were one of their friends.


It’s one of the most influential factors in gaining customer loyalty. According to recent studies, emotional engagement outweighs rational engagement. This means that customers judge you and your work based on your compatibility with their principles and personal ideas, not just on the product you offer.

For example, people associate with Nike because it offers the value of innovation and enjoying life through its advertising campaigns and its famous slogan. As a result, customers are associated with Nike because they are associated with the value it offers, not just because their product quality is good.

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